Monday, November 22, 2004

Playing cards 1679

Men and women of late 17th-century England lived in the shadow of the British Civil wars . During the frequent periods of political crisis under the later Stuarts some people feared a return to the bad old days. If you want to read more about that Andrew Lacey's The Cult of King Charles the Martyr is a good place to start. It's interesting to note that preoccupations with the civil wars translated themselves into the production of material goods like these playing cards of 1679. There's a lot more to say on this fascinating subject but it's been a long day and my dinner's burning under the grill. I'd love to hear if anyone has anything to add.


Blogger Natalie Bennett said...

Hi Claire, I'm particularly interested in ones published after the Monmouth rebellion. I know there is a set because there's a History Today article on them, but it doesn't say where they would be. Is the Britism Museum the best bet? (That's what the reference desk at the British Library suggested.)

6:54 PM  

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